OSGO members get access to the power of our buying group for all of the podiatry supplies you need. Leading prices on the right products, all of the time. Our preferred supplier arrangement allows you to take advantage of access to Trycare offering the right products, at the right price, to your practice.
Education, new services, marketing solutions, we have a host of solutions to help the private podiatrist grow their practice and grow as a practitioner.
We understand the challenges facing modern private practice, from health and safety to policy documents. Members get access to a host of resources, and friendly advice whatever the problem you face in practice.
OSGO offers all of the services and products that a podiatrist needs to make their business work. We are here to help with every challenge you face in practice. Access tools, resources and courses for every facet of running a business.
[s3mm type=”video” s3bucket=”cf-simple-s3-origin-cloudfrontfors3-034127375775″ s3region=”us-east-1″ files=”fashow/Trevor Prior FB snippet vid.mp4″ /]
[s3mm type=”video” s3bucket=”cf-simple-s3-origin-cloudfrontfors3-034127375775″ s3region=”us-east-1″ files=”fashow/Getting patients back to their normal FB snippet vid.mp4″ /]
Masterclass courses
Osgo is proud to announce our new series of masterclass courses, an initiative where we team up with the biggest names in podiatry to produce in-depth courses that provide you with a deep understanding of the clinical skills and thoughts processes that our thought-leaders have developed in their chosen specialties. Their remarkable expertise is exposed through long-form course contents where we combine video, text, imagery, and interactive exercises to really focus on the learning outcome.
Take a sneak peek at our masterclasses by Trevor Prior and Nick Knight which are available for purchase on osgolearning.co.uk
Biomechanical Assessment & the Mechanics Behind it All
A masterclass starting with the principles of biomechanical assessments before going back to the core mechanics, covering topics from different physics to clinical assessments. Essentially you will be given a guide to help diagnose, treat and manage your patients, by leading Podiatric Surgeon Trevor Prior.
Nick Knight’s Getting Patients Back to their Normal
This Masterclass featuring Nick Knight is an in-depth, detailed course that takes you on the rehabilitation journey. Throughout the 9 modules and 33 units, Nick Knight guides you through each stage of the process one short video at a time. This course is a detailed masterclass for all clinicians who would like to offer their patients tailored rehabilitation plans.
Spotlight: Nail Surgery
Real solutions for your practice
We’re always trying to make practice life easier for Osgo members, whether that’s through CPD solutions, templates to do the heavy-lifting for you or pulling together packs that help you treat and reassure your patients.

- Written and presented by Consultant Podiatrist, Jim Pickard.
- This video is 6 minutes in length, but you are encouraged to review the video several times and undertake further reading of the included notes.
- It is anticipated that this will lead to 0.5 hours of CPD activity.
- To access the course once purchased, please head to your account page and click “My Courses”.
- Nail surgery advice slip
- Toe dressing infographic
- Mefix
- Religauze tubular bandage with applicator
- Relipads
- A draft example form for gaining informed consent prior to nail surgery. Use this for as the basis for your own consent form as required in your practice.
- This template gives a framework for communicating to the patient what procedure is planned and the serious or frequently occurring risks.
- Prior to surgery, patients may be anxious, and having multiple forms of communication can help them understand what the procedure involves, and what risks are associated.