Claire Freeman
Consultant Podiatric Surgeon
Claire Freeman BSc, MSc FRCPodS
Claire chose Podiatry as a second career. Coming from a dance background she was fascinated by biomechanics and injury rehabilitation. Graduating from The University of Brighton in 1995 she spent several years working in General Podiatry, specialising in Nail Surgery and Biomechanics. She concurrently worked part time in a Podiatric Surgery Unit as a Specialist Podiatrist and also as a Clinical Tutor at the University of Brighton. She completed her Masters degree at The University of Brighton, her surgical training in Doncaster ( FRCPodS), and her Certificate of Completion of Podiatric Surgery Training ( CCPST) in Newbury. She took a Consultant post to cover a Colleague studying for independent Prescribing and since then has been working for Independent Health Group as a Consultant Podiatric Surgeon. This post is exclusively NHS contact work.
In addition to this Claire has a busy practice at the New Hall Hospital in Salisbury, where she sees Private, Health Insured and NHS patients. She continues to lecture at Huddersfield University, Queen Mary’s University and the University of Bournemouth on Masters programs.
Hallux Valgus – navigating the route to NHS surgery
If you’ve ever been in the frustrating position of not knowing what to do next with your patients who present with Hallux Valgus – then this lecture will guide you through the pathway to onward referral, and give you tools to efficiently navigate a way forward.