Colin Papworth
Podiatrist / Clinic Owner – MSK / Running Assessment and Treatment
I have been working in private practice multidisciplinary clinics since 2003 after 4 years in NHS MSK services. I have also worked in a clinic in a running shop for 14 years. This has given me access to lots of runners and footwear. My running assessments and treatments have developed over the years to include different types of orthoses, manual therapy, movement analysis and changes, running form assessment and footwear changes. Now I am working just in my own clinics and using video, Footscan and just recently introduced Baiobit for assessments. I have introduced Vimazi shoes to our offerings. As a clinic we host workshops and talks for runners and have links to various shoe tests and professional sports people. I have held workshops on MSK and Running assessments over the years for all therapists.
Runners – Tips and Tricks for Assessing and Treating
I shall lead you through my approach to dealing with runners. They can be a difficult group to treat as they want instant results and will often be blinded by promises of quick results. We know running injuries are repetitive strain injuries and we have to look at and understand how the body is being loaded. Once we have identified these issues we then have to make changes to these loading patterns. So we shall look at assessing the basic principles of good running form, how and why we need to address what we find and then how we can introduce changes to their running form. I will touch on the range of treatments that I use as well.