Debbie Ruff
Lead Nurse Vascular
I work as a Lead Vascular Nurse at Northern Care Alliance in Manchester. I have over 30 years experience in vascular nursing and the management of complex wounds.
Over the last 3 years I have also worked in private practice at Gold Standard Foot and Leg Clinic extending my scope of practice in lower limb MSK and extended skills in shockwave therapy and focussed magnetic therapy.
Assessing a limb of concern “On a busy clinic”
Every hour in England, someone over the age of 50 will undergo a minor amputation. Every 2 hours someone will lose there whole leg! Regrettably the number of major amputations in patients with Diabetes related complications continues to rise. Data has shown that 85% of patients who underwent a major amputation had a diabetic foot ulcer. Clinical negligence claims within the NHS 2022, identified that the assessment and management of peripheral arterial disease were often brief, potentially inaccurate and often delayed. Only 19% of cases reviewed involved the assessment with a hand held doppler. Lack of equipment, lack of time and lack of confidence are reasons given by health care professionals as to why a lower limb vascular assessment was not undertaken in a busy clinic setting.
Debbie within her presentation will simplify lower limb arterial assessment and demonstrate how a limb of concern can be assessed within a busy clinic setting using the 3 Ps approach.
During the conference there will also be opportunities for delegates to attend a lower limb vascular assessment “hands on workshop” to update their clinical skills.