Emily Haworth
MSK Clinical Lead and High Risk Specialist
Principal Podiatrist Bronte Podiatry
Gael CPD
Emily has spent 3/4 of her Podiatric career in the Acute sector with a hospital MDT in the Diabetic and vascular setting. She has a Masters in the High Risk Limb and is hugely passionate about preventing chronic disease and especially that first DFU. Merging MSK and high risk skills are essential in this life aim. She has post grad qualifications in Podiatric Sports Medicine and is qualified in Injection therapy and is pursuing her Accreditation in Diagnostic Ultrasound.
Also completed a Prof Diploma in Positive health psychology with the RCSI. She was National education officer for Podiatry Ireland for four years before moving to the UK to take up as clinical lead in Swansea NHS trust.
She runs Bronte Podiatry, offering private consultations and volunteers in Cardiff for Forgotten feet in the Huggard Centre. She speaks about the subjects that are most passionate to her: prevention, lifestyle medicine, musculoskeletal and high risk limb management, rough sleepers and wound care, women in Sport and Podiatric sports injuries.
She’s a divorced mum with 3 fabulous teenagers 1 Maltese and a horse Black Madge.