Gareth Hicks
Podiatrist & DUET diabetes educator
Gareth qualified as a Podiatrist in 1988. He worked within NHS (Gloucestershire & Shropshire) clinics in both community and hospital settings as well as running private clinics specialising in sports injuries and lower limb mechanics. Gareth now works in the commercial sector running his own consultancy, with diabetes being his main clinical interest and prevention his chief driver.
Gareth has presented on the topic of diabetic foot screening/examinations on over 500 occasions within the NHS and private settings. He has also been invited to conduct presentations in Ireland, Malta, Germany, Czech Republic, but mainly throughout the Gulf region and was once invited to speak at the British Embassy in Riyadh! In the UK he presents to, and runs educational sessions for, people working in various sectors including health, social care, beauty & wellness.
Gareth co-authored:
“A photographic scale to aid appropriate foot skin care for people with diabetes” published in the Diabetic Foot Journal (2014)
Rayner J et al (2025) Training staff to improve the management of diabetes in care homes Nursing Times [online] 121: 1.
Diabetes & The Foot: Prevention is Preferable!
Understanding the risk factors associated with developing diabetic foot ulcers and what practitioners can do in their practice.