Mr Tim Clough
Consultant Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Surgeon
Mr Tim Clough is a Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon who specialises exclusively in adult foot and ankle disorders and sports injuries. He currently offers foot and ankle consultations, advice and surgery following referrals from a wide variety of premiership football teams, super league rugby teams and a local rugby union team.
He is a keen researcher and has published articles on ankle and big toe joint replacements, day case forefoot surgery, trauma foot surgery and the role of PRP in plantar fasciitis. He regularly presents at national and international meetings. His current areas of research include the clinical outcome of ankle replacements, treatments options for failed bunion surgery and newer treatment outcomes for chronic Achilles tendinopathy.
Mr Clough is an honorary senior lecturer at the University of Salford. He is a keen teacher, a faculty member on the BMSc course at the University of Dundee, a faculty member on the orthopaedic course at the University of Salford and serves as an elected member of the Scientific Committee for the British Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (BOFAS). He is a specialist adviser to NICE for the interventional procedures programme and a member of the international advisory board and editorial committee for the specialist medical journal ‘The Foot’.
Bad Bunions, Hammer Toe and Metatarsalgia – what to do when it all gets too much?
Discussing when to refer, what surgery can offer, what are the new techniques, and what is the surgical outcome for treatment of bad bunions, hammer toes and metatarsalgia.