Zoe Wilson
MSK Specialist Podiatrist, ZW Clinics
Zoe Wilson is an MSK Specialist Podiatrist based in the Lake District in the North of England.
Zoe graduated from the University of Salford in 2015 and went on to complete her Master’s Degree in Theory of Podiatric Surgery in 2017. Since then Zoe has built two successful private practices which have now been formed into one larger clinic, ZW Foot & Lower Limb Centre, Kirkby Lonsdale.
An avid and keen professional Zoe launched her first course in February 2023, “An introduction to prescribing The Richie Brace”. Zoe loves Podiatry and all that our profession has to offer the world!
Zoe continually works towards delivering outstanding care to her patients and delivers a range of services including Physiotherapy, Podiatric Surgery consultations, 3D Gait analysis, Multidisciplinary consultations, Diagnostic Ultrasound, Injection therapy, AFO Therapy (Richie Brace) and CMFO (Custom made foot orthoses).
Zoe is actively involved in speaking on a National and International scale on specialist subject areas of Adult Acquired Flatfoot and Foot Drop.
Assessment, Management and building an MDT around Foot Drop
This session will include information regarding Aetiology, Anatomy, Diagnosis and Management of Foot drop in a Podiatric setting. There will be discussions around medical history taking and management options utilising a multidisciplinary team.
Building Confidence and Clinical Excellence in Private Practice
A session dedicated to Private Practice and how to build an effective mindset, team and delivery of services in your podiatry practice. We wish to deliver discussions around building a private practice, whether this be an idea, a project or an established clinic. I will discuss my journey in brief and how ZW Clinics has come to fruition in the innovative world of podiatry.