Trevor Prior

Consultant Podiatric Surgeon

Trevor has been practicing for 37 years and works at Homerton University Hospital, is a senior clinical lecturer in the sports medicine department at Queen Mary University of London and works in private practice. He specialises in foot surgery, the pedal complications of diabetes, sports medicine and gait analysis. He has worked with a wide range of elite and professional sports, is a director of Run3D and Prior2Lever and consults for footwear companies. He is past Dean of the Faculty of Podiatric Surgery and a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons Glasgow.

Clinical reasoning; Where science meets art and art meets science

Finding the balance between an evidenced based diagnosis and treatment (the science) and the ability to individualise to each patient’s unique situation (the art), is a challenge to all practitioners. It is neatly summarised by the well know phrase “In theory, theory and practice are the same; in practice, they are not”. This presentation will explore the issues and provide a framework around taking an appropriate history to guide the clinical evaluation, appropriate investigations, diagnosis and patient centred management. It will include a practical session of clinical simulation to highlight provide insight into this process